Service Learning from Recount and Narrative

  In the month of Ramadan this time, I am very happy because I can gather with friends and be able to do common good deeds, one of which is tadarus together at musollah. The tadarus that my friends and I did was carried out after the tarawih sunah prayer. And there we are accompanied by ustad or ustadah so that every reading we read is in accordance with Islamic teachings. In the prayer room, we provided various foods and drinks if we felt thirsty and wanted to eat. There we were given time to read the Qur'an until 21.30 p.m., so that when we returned home it was not too late. 

  One day, my friends and I went to musollah just about entering isha'. When we arrived at the musollah, we waited for the time of isha' while doing dhikr, and soon the time of isha' had arrived. And after entering the time of isha' we and the ustad or ustadah immediately perform the isha' prayer. After that we and the ustad or ustadah immediately performed the tarawih sunah prayer. After praying the sunah tarawih, we didn't immediately rush home but waited for everyone to do tadarus together. After gathering, the tadarus begins which begins with the ustad or ustadah then turns according to the place we are sitting in. After that we ate and drank what had been provided by the ustad or ustadah. The time continues and shows 21.30 p.m., it means that today's tadarus has ended. Then everyone who was tadarus, including us, said goodbye to the ustad or ustadah and went straight to their respective homes.

● Moral message
Let us together multiply the good deeds because Allah will multiply the reward for those who do good in the month of Ramadan. And always be grateful for the blessings of Allah that  are given to us. And keep the enthusiasm to increase religious knowledge and science even though you are in a state of fasting.

Nama : M. Fairuzi
Kelas : X MIPA 1
No. Absen : 19


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