
Komik SDGs

Nama: M. Fairuzi Kelas: XI MIPA 1 No. Absen: 16

Service Learning from Recount and Narrative

  In the month of Ramadan this time, I am very happy because I can gather with friends and be able to do common good deeds, one of which is tadarus together at musollah. The tadarus that my friends and I did was carried out after the tarawih sunah prayer. And there we are accompanied by ustad or ustadah so that every reading we read is in accordance with Islamic teachings. In the prayer room, we provided various foods and drinks if we felt thirsty and wanted to eat. There we were given time to read the Qur'an until 21.30 p.m., so that when we returned home it was not too late.    One day, my friends and I went to musollah just about entering isha'. When we arrived at the musollah, we waited for the time of isha' while doing dhikr, and soon the time of isha' had arrived. And after entering the time of isha' we and the ustad or ustadah immediately perform the isha' prayer. After that we and the ustad or ustadah immediately performed the tarawih sunah p

Recount Text

Make a pilgrimage to the Tomb of the Saints   Last year, I made a pilgrimage to the graves of the saints with my family. There are three graves of the saints that we visited. The first one went to the tomb of Sheikh Maulana Ishaq in Paciran sub - district, Lamongan district, East Java. The second one goes to the grave of Sunan Giri ( Raden Paku ) which is located in Giri village, Kebomas sub - district, Gresik district, East Java. The third or the last visit went to the grave of Sunan Bonang ( Raden Maulana Makdum Ibrahim ) which is located in Kutorejo village, Tuban district, East Java. We start our pilgrimage at 6:00 a.m. to 11:45 p.m..   At 6:00 a.m., my family and I got ready to make a pilgrimage to the graves of the guardians. There I was assigned to put things into the car. Then at 6:15 a.m. all the needs were met and finally the pilgrimage to graves of the saints began. Around 8:15 a.m., my family and I arrived at our first destination, namely the tomb of Sheikh Maul

Nature Photography Exhibition

"Fog blanketed the hills. Green grass and trees spread wide around the hill and on its surface." Nama : M. FAIRUZI Kelas : X MIPA 1 No. Absen : 19


Bangkit Wahai kawanku Wahai saudaraku Walaupun hidup ini Penuh dengan tantangan Penuh dengan ketekanan Tapi kita harus bangkit dan berjuang Walaupun kita harus belajar dirumah saja Tanpa tatap muka Tanpa canda tawa Tanpa adanya kawan Tapi kita harus semangat Semangat dalam belajar Semangat dalam mencari ilmu Walaupun dalam hati kecil kita Ada kerinduan yang sangat mendalam Rindu pada sekolah kita Rindu pada meja belajar kita Rindu adanya nasihat guru kita Tapi kita harus semangat Kita harus bangkit dengan keadaan ini Terima kasih wahai guruku Walaupun kau mengajari aku Tanpa tatap muka Tapi aku tetap bangga Aku tetap bahagia Atas kerja keras guruku Walaupun kita belajar dirumah saja Tapi aku tetap semangat Aku tetap bahagia Terima kasih wahai guruku ~ M. Fairuzi / MIPA 1'20


      Manfaat Daun Salam bagi Kesehatan    Daun salam adalah tanaman herbal yang sering digunakan sebagai bumbu penyedap masakan karena memiliki aroma yang khas. Daun salam diketahui mengandung vitamin C dan A, serta asam solfat. Selain itu, daun salam juga mengandung berbagai mineral seperti tembaga, selenium, besi, seng, mangan, magnesium, potasium, dan kalsium.    Untuk mendapatkan khasiat dari kandungan tersebut caranya mudah, yakni cukup menjadikan daun salam sebagai air rebusan.    Dilansir dari halaman, khasiat air rebusan daun salam ini disebut memiliki khasiat kesehatan untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit, diantaranya sebagai berikut. 1. Mencegah komplikasi diabetes 2. Mengobati batu ginjal 3. Membakar lemak tubuh 4. Mengobati asam urat 5. Meredakan peradangan 6. Bersifat anti - inflamasi 7. Mencegah darah tinggi 8. Meningkatkan kinerja jantung 9. Mengobati batuk 10. Mengatasi sembelit    Kesimpulannya adalah daun salam merupakan tanaman herbal yang mem